Palace and Her Majesty's Castle, known as the Tower of London (in English: Tower of London), is a historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in the heart of London in England. Built the Tower of London in late 1066, as part of the Norman invasion of England. In 1078, William the Conqueror ordered the construction of the White Tower, which has become a symbol of the oppression of the ruling family of new enemies in London. By the year 1100, the castle was used as a prison, although it was not the primary objective of the construction. Use this old Grand Palace, the seat of the establishment of the monarchy. In general, the tower is a grouping of several buildings within two rings of defensive walls and a moat. Conducted several expansions of the tower, especially in the era of kings, Richard the Lionheart and Henry III and Edward I in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Stabilized the borders of the tower on its current state since the late thirteenth century, but with some improvements later.
Playing the Tower of London a prominent role in English history, it has been subjected to blockade several times, as it was brought under control the first steps to take control of the country. Used the tower as a repository to save money, weapons and animals, and as a house instrument currency and keeping public records, and the headquarters for keeping treasures property. Since the early fourteenth century and until the reign of Charles II, was the coronation procession starts from the tower and even Westminster Abbey. In the era of "Tudor", say the use of the tower as the headquarters for the establishment of property, in spite of attempts to strengthen and reform Dvaath to resist artillery shelling.
The peak period of use as a prison tower in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, where he was imprisoned by many of the characters, most notably Elizabeth I before becoming a queen. The words "sent to the tower," a euphemism for that person would be subjected to torture and death. In the latter half of the nineteenth century, institutions such as the House moved instrument currency to property outside the tower, leaving many buildings empty. Salven engineers took advantage of Anthony and John Taylor the opportunity to re-tower to what it was in the Middle Ages, and the removal of many of the vacant buildings that were built in the post-medieval. During World Wars I and II, use the tower again as a prison, and witnessed the executions of 12 men on charges of spying. After the wars, was the restoration of the damage caused by the raids, and the tower was reopened to the public.
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