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vendredi 15 août 2014

Tourism In georgia usa

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Georgia is the mandate of the United States is the state of Georgia in the south-east, the last states 13, which began with the establishment of the United States of America, was so named in honor of the king of Britain's George II (1638-1760) was held at the Atlanta Summer Olympics in 1996 as contain Georgia on several landmarks political, economic and tourism, including the Museum of Martin Luther King and Coca-Cola plant is this factory and museum at the same time where they are offered for visitors to date the beginning of the company and how to make soft drink, museum also houses a special corner for tasting products of the factory where the plant produces about 64 varieties of soft drinks and visitors can taste them one by one. It also includes the state of Georgia, the largest aquarium in the world and called the Georgia Aquarium and contains many of the fish and all kinds of forms and colors.

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