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vendredi 15 août 2014

Tourism In Germany

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Germany is one of the busiest tourist country in the world. In addition to the beautiful scenery and diverse activities that are held in the cities, Germany provides for its guests tourism services a variety of starting a network of public transport developed which include high-speed trains and subway (metro) and mass transit buses, taxis, and through the institutions of tourism, such as hotels, guesthouses, restaurants and cafes, and ending with the places entertainment such as theaters, public parks and the like.
Saúhtan stand in front of the famous Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
Occupies Germany ranked seventh in the list of active tourism in the world, recalling the data issued by the World Tourism Organization of the United Nations (in English: World Tourism Organization), that the footfall of foreign visitors to Germany as a tourist has recorded a remarkable rise in the past few years. In 2007, he entered Germany to about 24.4 million foreign visitors, and this number is higher than the number of visitors during 2006 and 2005 and who numbered 23.5 and 21.3 million visitors respectively [1]. While the financial figures suggest issued by Bundesbank (German: Deutsche Bundesbank) that the proceeds of the tourism sector in Germany in 2008 rose from 26.3 billion euros to 27.2 billion euros [2]. According to figures released by the German Federal Bureau of Statistics (German: Statistisches Bundesamt), the number of nights spent in hotels in Germany in 2008 to 369.6 million for the night, the share of foreigners, including 56.5 million for the night [3]. The figures indicate that the majority of foreign tourists coming to Germany came from the Netherlands and spent in its hotels 9.7 million for the night, followed by citizens of the United States to 4.44 million for the night, and the citizens of the United Kingdom to 4.22 million for the night [4], while the rate of Arab tourists coming from GCC in 2008, a rise of 7.1% [5]. The German states that finished first in the same year in terms of the large numbers of visitors are Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg and North Rhine - Westphalia [6].
Contribute to the tourism industry (except for business travel and trips to visit friends and family and public sector investments) generates about 3.2% of GDP in Germany, which is directly across the tourism projects of small and medium-sized businesses, such as hotels and guesthouses scattered throughout parts of the country [7]. It was the main cities in Germany, the biggest beneficiary of the growth in the tourism sector, as Berlin has seen an increase in hotel occupancy rates increased by 6.5%, and 4.9% of Hamburg. As in the cities in which they are trade fairs Cdosldorf, Hanover and Leipzig, have increased rates of hotel occupancy which increased by 12.5% and 7.1% and 21.2%, respectively, and was what is known as "business tourism" the main factor in bringing about this growth is above average [8 ].
While preferred by more than 30% of German citizens to spend their holidays in the inside Germany, witnessing the movement of domestic tourism growth and promising, and the figures indicate the office of German Federal Bureau of Statistics that the number of nights spent by Germans in hotels and guesthouses local amounted to 313 million for the night, and that number is for increasing by 1.9% in each year [9].

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